Featured event!
THUrsday, may 6, 5:30pm (MST)
Discussing Inclusivity:
Feeling celebrated vs tolerated, the difference,
and what society considers acceptable.
Join us Thursday evening for a chance to give your input on how users of the Inclusive Guide platform will be able to rate businesses.
This is a 'fireside chat' style meeting, where we will continue exploring what inclusivity means to historically underrepresented identity groups, and dig deeper into how WE define inclusivity within our own communities. We will be asking one another specific questions about what it means to be welcomed, celebrated, and safe while living our daily lives. |
It's time to change the world.
This event will also be streamed on our facebook live and instagram live channels.
WEDNESDAY SERIES: March 3, March 10, March 17
Hosted by Inclusive Journeys co-founder Parker McMullen Bushman
Have you ever wanted to gain a strong understanding of Unconscious Bias and how bias contributes to the formation of Systems of Oppression? This workshop introduces learners to the concept of unconscious bias and encourages learners to explore and reflect upon how personal values, biases and assumptions can impact the quality of daily interactions. We all bring unconscious biases into our everyday interactions. These deeply subconscious attitudes span race, gender, appearance, age, wealth and much more. They influence everything from the neighborhood you live in, to the friends you make. These biases are reflexively triggered without our knowledge, they are virtually unnoticeable. Our unconscious biases are hidden. Although we are unaware of them, they influence our beliefs about and behavior toward others. Through a series of exercises, discussions and self-reflective activities participants we will examine our personal cultural competence and, increasing our ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with all people.
OCTOBER 2020: Anti-Racist Holiday Preparedness Learning Cohort
Let's gather, discuss and strategize how to initiate productive, open conversations with people in our lives about bias and racism. Prepare yourself for the holiday season by increasing your understanding of Bias, Privilege and Microaggressions. Also learn tips and skills for how to have difficult conversations. All are invited to attend however this guided cohort experience is geared for beginners.